Version 1.9.0
Version 1.9.0
New features:
- Perks system:
- "Speed reloader" perk; need a third of the time to create/break down magazines
- "Zone Autoscan I&II"; automatically find vehicles in liberated zones
- Squatters:
- squatters in buildings will switch buildings after a while
- zones now have "denied" areas while they're still occupied
- added zones for Weferlingen Summer & Winter
- Status HUD to display game effects (Turret AI status, health, OPFOR Tracker)
- When applying a loadout, the next best fitting weapon is selected if no exact match
- added two new 150 round 5.56x45mm CMAGs with green/yellow tracers
- added map additions for Enoch (fuelstation -> Paintshop, ruins, non-spawn buildings)
- souped up Strider LVL-V (more speed, more cargo)
- expanded cargo-space of Ifrit LVL-V
- "put down" gesture when (un)packing hoverboards
- Debug menu
- added "BIS_fnc_unflipThing"
- "fix GWH" operates on current building
- mouse cursor centered (!!!)
- Arma 2.18 reload bug fix (
- Cargo drone is player death safe; transfer completes every time
- Car towing actions will not show if no other vehicles are around
- Lootspawner
- fixed Z-f*ckup for GWHs that were above ground (not the building) or near CAManBase
- Mission "Lost Document": radio has "mission is broken" user-action; mostly for debugging purposes
- Player-XP HUD elements won't kill other GM-HUD elements
- Zones won't become occupied again after they were liberated and server restarts
- Turret AI will restore after player death; no more rogue AI shooting up the place
- Vehicle turrets will recenter after AI used the turret and player gets back in vehicle
- Spanking new debugging system
- Cleaned up unnecessary RPT spam